Rates and Services to trophy trout of oregon!
ESSENTIALS FOR YOUR trophy trout of oregon TRIP.
FULL DAY $575.00
(1 or 2 people)
Our trophy trout of Oregon guided fly-fishing trips are designed for one or two anglers. Equipment, flies, lunch and beverage are included. We utilize Clackacraft drift boats and do virtually all of our fishing from the boat. Trips depart from an arranged location (your guide will confirm with you). A typical day has anglers using a variety of tactics that include indicator style nymphing, dry fly fishing, hopper dropper rigs and swinging traditional wet flies. Our guides focus on instruction in order to maximize your success and give you techniques to take with you on your next trip. We use five and six weight rods most of the time and trout range from 14-30” inches in length. Klamath Basin Red Band trophy trout are the main target of our fishing trips. Full day Klamath Basin trips start mid-April and end October 31, when all guided waterways close for the season. Total time on the water for a Full Day trip is 7-8 hours.
Contact us for further information.
1/2 day $440.00
(1 or 2 people)
Our half day guided fishing trips are identical to our full day trips, with some exceptions. Equipment, flies, and beverages are included (bring your own snacks). Total time on the water for a Half Day trip is 4 hours. Morning or evening options are available as guide schedules allow.
Contact us for further information on.
HEX TRIPS $340.00
(1 or 2 people)
The unique Hexagenia hatch takes place on the Williamson River late June to mid-July. Because it’s a late evening hatch, we offer Hex trips from 7pm to 10pm as guide schedules allow. This can be an opportunity to throw really big dry flies for really big trout. Bring a head lamp… and bug spray!! Trophy flies for Trophy Trout of Oregon!
Contact us for further information.
Deposits $100.00
Non-refundable deposit required per each day booked upon confirmation. Your deposit is transferable to another date (within the current season), if cancellation is made two weeks prior to the trip date. Deposits are forfeited with cancellation less than 14 days prior to the trip date.
Contact us for further information.
Along with guiding and fishing, we enjoy capturing the beauty and majesty of the Klamath Basin in photos and video. We love to share this amazing resource with others and have given our original multimedia presentations to Fly Fishing clubs throughout the west. Let us bring these trophy trout of Oregon to your club meeting.
Contact us for further information.
Lodging is an important part of your fishing adventure. There are many convenient and beautiful lodging options to access the Williamson River, the Wood River and the Klamath Lake region. Whether you choose a classic riverside cabin in Chiloquin or a more traditional hotel stay in Klamath Falls, reach out to us and we will gladly provide recommendations based on your preferences..
Contact us for further information
important links:
Click the ODFW tab to view their requirements and acquire your fishing license online. Online licenses will be your easiest way to get a license.
Liability waiver required for all guide trips. Please read carefully before signing!
local things:
Crater Lake National Park - Crater Lake inspires awe. Native Americans witnessed its formation 7,700 years ago, when a violent eruption triggered the collapse of a tall peak. Scientists marvel at its purity—fed by rain and snow, it’s the deepest lake in the USA and one of the most pristine on Earth. Artists, photographers, and sightseers gaze in wonder at its blue water and stunning setting atop the Cascade Mountain Range.
A violent eruption triggered the inward collapse of Mount Mazama's summit. A mile deep basin was left behind collecting rain and snow, and eventually creating the deepest lake in the United States. It is one of the most pristine lakes on earth with an average clarity over 100 feet deep. Sheer cliffs encase the lake's immeasurable beauty, while diverse forests, meadows and streams expand across the remainder of Mount Mazama where the geologic story continues.
Collier Park Logging Museum - Railroad buffs will enjoy learning about the role the railroad played in logging. You can imagine the rugged woodsmen and the immense task of moving raw timber with innovation and brute force. The historic cabin village gives you another insight into how these families once lived.
Lava Beds National Monument - Lava Beds National Monument is located in northeastern California, in Siskiyou and Modoc counties. The monument lies on the northeastern flank of Medicine Lake Volcano, which is the largest volcano by area in the Cascade Range.
The Upper Klamath National Wildlife Refuge - Is a wildlife refuge in southwestern Klamath County on the shores of Upper Klamath Lake in Oregon. It was established in 1928 and contains some 14,400 acres of freshwater marshes. It is accessible only by boat from Rocky Point Resort and Rocky Point boat launch, Malone springs, and a few neighboring ramps.